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How DEI Led Black GangBangers to Kill Tyre Nichols

​The race hustlers never miss an opportunity to exploit black misery. Sharpton, Crump and the rest of the black globalist puppets have continued their exploitation of the Tyre Nichols’ incident to further the Satanic globalist agenda. 

Sharpton and Crump are paid by the globalist elite not to actually address or even identify the true causes of black misery but to prolong it. These two dirtbags have been joyriding the country in Tyre Nichols’ coffin mouthing off about ‘police reform’ and ‘white supremacy’. 

The reality is that the five black thug police officers who brutally assaulted Tyre Nichols were products of affirmative-black action which is part of the globalist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion agenda. The Memphis Police Department, caught up in the 2020 BLM bullshit, succumbed, like many other law enforcement agencies and private corporations to relax hiring standards in order to hire more blacks.  The result is the tragic death of Tyre Nichols.

I have spent over 20 years in corporate America and I have witnessed first hand how affirmative black-action or DEI hiring practices can gut a company or entire industry.  Relaxing hiring standards for the fast food industry is fine but relaxing them for law enforcement and healthcare leads to the unjustifiable and unnecessary loss of human life. 

During the 2020 ‘Summer of Love’ where black hoodlums and basement dwelling Antifa incels were allowed to burn America’s cities to the ground; race hustlers like Sharpton, Crump, LeBron James and the ‘Squad’ openly pushed DEI as a way to create a ‘level playing field’ in law enforcement. “If only there were more black police officers” they said. Yeah, well here’s the fucking result. The brutality of the Tyre Nichols’ beating made the Rodney King incident look like a child’s play. A lifeless and limp Tyre Nichols handcuffed was held up while black thug police officers took turns winding up clean punches to his jaw. Nichols’ head looked like a speed bag that had the stuffing knocked out of it. These gangbangers (at least two have ties to the ViceLords) laughed and bragged about the beating. 

The idea that black police officers are so morally superior that they can’t be criminals is completely preposterous. Yet, the mainstream media and their black puppet bitches like LeBron James, Sharpton, Crump and DL Hughley won’t even blame the police officers who all arrested and charged with second-degree murder. In fact, NO ONE, in the mainstream media has uttered one word about the officers. 

Hiring unqualified black people for ANY job is a recipe for disaster, especially, ESPECIALLY in law enforcement. Yet, this is exactly what police departments have done across America, allowed themselves to become breeding grounds for some sick social experiment than actually hiring qualified recruits to uphold and enforce the law.

Sharpton, James, Crump and Hughley, all political whores of the bicoastal elite are completely silent as the DEI agenda is pushed by freakish leftists into the public school system emasculating black children.  The Black Church (which I will discuss in length in a later article) has long been sodomized by the Democrat party by way of they evil, wicked and filthy homosexual black clergy. 

Yet, these spiritual charlatans and political sodomites continue to joyride Tyre Nichols’ coffin across America hollering for ‘police reform’ and shouting ‘racism’ and ‘white supremacy’ when it was in fact their insistence on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion that led to this senseless tragedy.  We would all do wise to not only ignore these bastards but call them out on their hypocrisy. 

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